a new year

First day of the year. A guy sits opposite of me in the train, hair in a bun and wide green yellow striped trousers. He’s speaking Arabic with his friend. The whole journey Nilo, a dog who travels with me, has his head on his lap. The guy strokes him gently. His fingertips hardly touching the dog’s hairs. We speak about what the new year will bring. In 2016 he will end his international basketball career. It’s too hectic, all the travelling. He wants stability. So he can fully focus on his study business administration. But the thing he would like to do most this year is giving his mom a hug. Together with his dad they still live in Syria. Hardly and food and no electricity. But the don’t want to leave. It would mean the world to him if he just could give his mother this year one hug.

Have an awesome 2016, especially with your loved ones. And a lot of peace.

2016-01-02 23.06.55

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