A hand

A ledge on the streets of Alice springs. An extended family hangs around, a couple of kids. The parents and grandparents chatting. One year old Ezekeil runs where ever he can go. When he comes too close to the edge he get’s taken back with a smile.
A lad just comes from the shop with a scratch card. No luck. Peggy Sue tells me life is hard. Nothing happens and the money is difficult. She doesn’t have any beautiful moments. She hasn’t any clue what to draw. Anita knows immediately what to draw, litle Ezekeil. He makes her smile everyday. Peggy Sue looks to the side and smiles. She starts drawing her daughters hand.

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“My little boy makes me smile everyday.”
Seized by Peggy Sue in Alice Springs, Australia on August 8th 2014.

2014-08-13 14.41.42
Seized by Peggy Sue in Alice Springs, Australia on August 8th 2014.

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