a healthier life style

a healthier life style

In his muted orange sweater Ian sits on the pavement in Berkeley. A bag of marijuana, a lighter and some magazines in front of him. He found a real family here on the streets of Berkeley.  Medical Marijuana helps him to find balance in his struggles. Being a Jehova witness helps as well. The spiritual gives comfort. And the sun. How it comes up every time and feeds us and the plants.
He draws his artist impression of the last week. The beautiful moment of today was going to the methadone clinic and getting his fix. ‘Methadone gives me a healthier life style. You don’t have to take syringes from just anybody. And you don’t have to do all the crazy stuff to get money. Methodone still gets you high. That’s also the scary part. Because other than heroin you don’t have the psychedelic effects, you still see your life as it is.’
2016-08-04 13.48.33

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