A new first line

“Hi, Do you maybe want to help me?” This is the opening line I use in Singapore. It came up after some tweaking when at first a lot of people said ‘no’. It’s a special first sentence. Because in most countries, such a first line wouldn’t work well. It’s a line most often used by people on the street who want money. The potential drawers would think I’m going to ask for money. This is a bad first impression for two reasons.
A. I’m not asking for money.
B. Because they think I want money they end the conversation, although they might have been very interested in drawing their moment.
In Singapore however there are hardly any beggars on the street. Asking for help doesn’t have a money connotation. It also has the advantage that someone doesn’t think I would want to sell something, which is the main reason why people don’t like to be approached on the street. So I just walk up to somebody armed with blank postcards, a stack of felt-tip markers and a smile: “Hi, Do you maybe want to help me?” “Yeah, sure.”

2014-05-28 13.33.43

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