A village in the city

Cars parked in front of the three story houses centered around a park. Gates seperate the colourfull and well taken care of houses from the street. In this street I have my couchsurf home in Delhi. If you walk out of the street and go to the left there’s an alley full of life. Children with grubby shirts play hide and seek. Chiapatis are baked in ovens made of oil cans. Small shops from vegetables to chemistries and hairdressers. A rat walks by. It’s a village within the city. Together with Saurab and Isabelle we go to this village for collecting. In front of a clothes shop in a somewhat bigger street we ask a man to make a drawing. He doesn’t want to draw, but we attracted attention so a crowd is gathered. No one wants to draw though. So we decide to draw ourselves. And while Isabella is drawing oliebollen, a man asks for a piece of paper and then gradually more markers and papers are handed out. A white car turns out to be an excellent drawing table, just as the vegetable card. Children in a row on the pavement draw frantically their houses. Cars horn they want to pass the crowd has blocked the street. People ask for more cards and markers, but I ran out. Time to take a ride to the next destination.

2014-01-02 13.48.06

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