Asia: The final draw

Smiling drawing streetkids in India. An illaterate man in Nepal who draws a butterfly coming out of his cocoon. A special dream being drawn in Malaysia and a father mixing expensive species in Laos. A Vietnamese girl who conquered her shyness and talked to strangers.
Collecting beautiful moments in Asia was a totally worth it roller coaster ride in which I had to hit the breaks before I could continue on. But I did and now I’m in Singapore. Saturday the final moments of Asia will be drawn and it feels unreal. That it’s actually happening. That we did it, we so many old and new friends along the way. Do you want to share this moment with me?

Come then to the Final Draw event on Saturday.
A talk, cool people, drawing and celebrating.

Jiv Jago Cafe.
nr. 17 Bali Lane,
Singapore 189854
Saturday 31/5/2014, 4 pm.

in hanoi

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