Collecting in Berkeley

Collecting in Berkeley

Berkeley is an university town. Little groups of students flock the streets. Because of this young demographic it’s easy to collect here. When one person is already drawing friends join in. ‘What are we doing?’ ‘You’re gonna draw a beautiful moment of last week.’ is a typical conversation. They draw normal topics like going to the movies or spending time  a friend. Olu and his friends went on a fishing trip ‘We really catch anything, only one small fish. Actually I was the one catching it.’ But also beautiful moments related to their studies. Alex draws her GSI (graduate student instructor): ‘I’m speaking with her and can ask her some questions. My thesis shows progression.’ I also meet Sunny: ‘I don’t have any beautiful moments last week. I didn’t got accepted for any of the classes I wanted to take.’ ‘What made you smile?’ ‘I just declared my major in philosophy and psychology a couple of minutes ago. Actually I was about to take a picture of the form when you came.’
  'I don't have any beautiful moments last weekend. I didn't got accepted for any of the classes I wanted to take.' 'What made you smile?' 'I just declared my major in philosophy and psychology a couple of minutes ago. Actually I was about to take a picture of the form when you came.' Seized by Sunny on August 4th 2016 in Berkeley, CA, USA.

‘I don’t have any beautiful moments last weekend. I didn’t got accepted for any of the classes I wanted to take.’ ‘What made you smile?’ ‘I just declared my major in philosophy and psychology a couple of minutes ago. Actually I was about to take a picture of the form when you came.’
Seized by Sunny on August 4th 2016 in Berkeley, CA, USA.
'This is my GSI (graduate student instructor). I'm speaking with her and ask her some questions. My thesis shows progression.' Seized by Alex on July 29th 2016 in Berkeley, CA, USA.
‘This is my GSI (graduate student instructor). I’m speaking with her and ask her some questions. My thesis shows progression.’
Seized by Alex on July 29th 2016 in Berkeley, CA, USA.
2016-08-04 14.28.31

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