Collecting in boston

Collecting in boston

The streets are still deserted at 8 am on Saturday morning. It’s my first full day in Boston. Together with my couchsurfer Katie I take the train to the city centre. We are chatting away and after a while she asks me whether I’m going to collect in the train. Yes, that’s a good idea. I realize because I haven’t collected for a while in trains I hadn’t automatically scanned the train on it’s collecting possibilities. I guess this automatic response will kick in soon.
The train is half full. Responses I get are quick and cheerful. People love to join. Bonds between people who both draw their dogs are formed. It’s a happy bunch.
After the train we go to the common park and it’s abundance of grey squirrels. The first people are a bit hesitant. Katie suspects my big packpack can be an influence. People might think I’m homeless. In other countries, like Serbia, having the big bagpack was actually an advantage. Since people immediately recognize you as a backpacker and they like to help travelers.  Another thing I learn in Boston is to skip the question ‘May I ask you something?’ ‘How are you doing?’ works way better.
And although the beginning in this park might be slow. Soon the highlights keep on coming. And this is only the first day I’m in the USA. I approach two swat team members sitting in a car. One of them starts to draw. This is the first country in which a police man is drawing.  Another couple also starts drawing. It’s fun according to them. At the end the guy asks if it’s okay if he munches in. So he gives me twenty dollars.2016-07-16 09.00.13

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