The Bosporus divides Istanbul in an Asian and a European side. You can cross the water by metro, but much more fun is it to do it by ferry. And a good opportunity to ask people to draw. I come across a ferry which takes twenty minutes to reach the other side, that’s a perfect time for collecting. Not too short, not too long. The waiting room fills quickly. Warm coats to protect against the chill. A young couple sits upon a bench near the window. Yeah sure, they want to draw.
A few minutes later, the crowd starts to move. It’s time to board. In the boat large benches are paired.. A few musicians take out their instruments and start to play I take out my markers and cards. I start to ask quite a lot of people, but most of the people I talk to don’t speak English. But fortunately the boy who drew wants to help out and starts to translate. But then one of the musicians comes to us. He is friendly, but makes it very clear we can’t do this. Because they are playing music and want to make money. And according to him collecting beautiful moments doesn’t help with that.

"I meet my best friend after a long time." Seized by Mehmet in Kadikoy, Istanbul, Turkey on December 13th 2013.
“I meet my best friend after a long time.”
Seized by Mehmet in Kadikoy, Istanbul, Turkey on December 13th 2013.

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