Taking off

Taking off

The engines start to roar. The plane shakes and my head is being pushed to lookup. For those wondering whether I wouldn’t go on a different date, they were right. I rescheduled my flight to the states and now I’m going earlier. Amy said I should come to Dallas and emailed me a guest ticket to the festival for positive education in Dallas.  I’m so grateful for this opportunity to meet a lot of people working in positive psychology and to learn how the findings of positive psychology can be applied in education.  What an amazing start of the collecting tour in the US.
Since I start in Dallas I take a different route. The best plans are the changed ones. This is the latest version:
16-23 July Dallas, TX
26-30 July Los Angeles, CA
2-6 Aug San Francisco, CA
9-16 Aug Portland, OR
24-28 Aug Detroit, MI
29-2 Sep Toronto, Canada
3-6 Sep Montreal, Canada
9-14 Sep New York, NY
And just like the engines my curiositiy is roaring.  How will the adventure unfold? How is it to collect again? Will I also be able here to make people happy? There’s only one way to find out: To take off.
janne in airplane

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