The current adventure

Sometimes you just have to go on an adventure. And this time I went to Australia and New Zealand. I want to work here on the English edition of the book, give talks and visit a conference on happiness. I’m so curious what this will brings, since a lot of things are still uncertain. I don’t know whether it’s possible. I’m still without a publisher for instance. So if you have any advice or people I should meet, please share with m12792227_1019241281479449_6070868291954512574_oe :-).
So there is plenty to discover.

This is my schedule:
Sydney 9th-13th
Canberra 15th-17th
Melbourne 18th-22nd
Optimism class on the 22nd
Ocean Grove 23rd
Talk at view club
Penrith 31st
Talk at the Creative Fringe

Sydney 2-6
Happiness and it’s causes conference
Christchurch, New Zealand from the 7th.

Brisbane 7-11
Sydney 13-15

The Netherlands from the 23rd.

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