Collecting in North America (Route Updated)

The butterflies in my stomach bounce around when I think about taking a plane on the 15th of July to collect beautiful moments in the US and Canada. My backpack will be on and I’ll walk up to strangers to ask them to draw a beautiful moment of last week. I’m curious for the people and stories I’m gonna meet. How does happiness look like in North America?

This is my preliminary route*:
16-23 July Dallas, TX
26-30 July Los Angeles, CA
2-6 Aug San Francisco, CA
9-16 Aug Portland, OR
24-28 Aug Detroit, MI
29-2 Sep Toronto, Canada
3-6 Sep Montreal, Canada
9-23 Sep New York, NY

Do you know people I should really connect with in those cities? I’m looking for people who can help me navigate the city, filmmakers and friendly couches to crash on.

To make it easier to tell your friends about me, are here some movies:
My latest TEDx talk:
One year of collecting around the world:
How it started:

Thank you so much!

PS I know the drawing isn’t geographical correct, please forgive me that.
* This version is a drastic route change from the first version.

The proposed route through the US and Canada.
The proposed route through the US and Canada.

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