2013-09-17 15.26.09Since July, I gathered 1000 beautiful moments in Europe, the first part of her World Tour. Just by walking up to people and ask them to draw a beautiful moment. The first of December I will travel to Asia for part two, and another 1000 beautiful moments. This is a very good reason for an awesome event thought Saskia. So she organizes a cool party on November 30th. Do you also join us? This is the wonderful invitation Saskia made:

13:30 h Welcome
14:00 h Janne shares her Europe experiences + do it yourself in Beautiful Moments workshop
Janne will share her Europe experiences and takes us on her adventure in her first Beautiful Moments Workshop where we experience collecting beautiful moments.
17 h drinks & snacks

Asian food & drinks

Do you also bring something to eat and/or drink together, something Asian or just something you really enjoy. Together we make a nice table of this all together.

Helping Janne make Asia come true
The entrance to the workshop is free. If you like you can help Janne make her dream come true in various ways. You can give her some money for Asia. She needs 30 euro’s a day for travelling. Of you can give her some of your time to arrange things for her. Or you can help her with a place to sleep or a contact in a city she visits.

By simply joining this Facebook-event.

You want to contribute to make Janne’s party awesome? That would be great. Tell us your idea. You can think about: playing music during the drinks, welcoming guests, decoration, photography, video, whatever you like to do! Send me a Facebook message or email to post@saskiaopdeweegh.nl

The event is at Knowmads Business School. It’s a great place where learning is an adventure for changemakers.
Ferdinand Huyckstraat 64, 1061 HW, Amsterdam , the Netherlands

You want even more traveling stories?
Join us then at Kijk, Reis en Luister on Sunday 24th. A wonderful afternoon full of traveling stories, poetry and music.

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