traffic rush

Cars, motorbikes and buses in all sizes rush trough the street. in Katmandu Saugath, my host and filmmaker holds a minibus. A small van with benches along the side and where apparently is place for 12 people in sardine conditions. We are off to Ratnapark. Saugath warns me. It’s going to be though, people might not be willing. We get some air when we go outside the minibus and walk trough a market. Trousers, phone chargers and everything you need is displayed on plastic sheets in a dusty field. Next to the market is Ratnapark. Trees, grass and people hanging around. Most of them are unemployed. Is isn’t difficult to collect here. When I ask someone, the others take notice and join us. Among each big group there are always a few who want to draw. Most of them write their phone number in front of the card. The traffic is a topic which comes up regularly. A boy draws how he catches the bus while being late. Another one was able to stop a bus while crossing a zebra path in Kathmandu rush hour.
2014-01-08 12.56.50

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