going home

After four years being on the move I was longing for a place to call home. To not have to think where I’ll be next week. Traveling and moving around has thought me a lot, from different perspective to flexibility. But it can also cost energy if you always have to figure out what is placed where in the supermarket.  Energy I now want to put in different things, mainly in Seize Your Moments and using the beautiful moments even more as a way to bring people together.
And I’m so happy I can now say I’m home now.  After half a year working on a visa and help from many friends I reached the US. Dallas, Texas to be exact. This week I arrived at the Blanksons, an amazing family who invited me to live with them. The welcome was overwhelmingly warm from signs and barking dogs to kids who fought for my attention because they missed me.
I’ve got a three year visa to work here, so that offers amazing opportunities. The first one is speaking at the Changing the Odds Conference on September 28th. This amazing 1600 attendee conference is this year build around the theme ‘hope’.  I have the honor let the participants experience how beautiful moments can provide hope.
Why the US?
Because of all the countries I’ve been to, I feel I can make the most impact in the United States. Here it isn’t only about making people happier. This country is a divided one with a lot of tension between groups. In a climate like this it’s important to tell the positive stories. The stories about what drives us as humans. What makes us happy. How good people are. That people differ, but everybody matters. To tell the positive stories. To see what unites us. So we can learn to trust each other more.
I walk around with open arms and a bunch of text markers. Just to connect with strangers on the streets. And I see the suspicious glance turn into a smile. I see people talk to persons they never met before. I see them realizing the world isn’t that bad. And off course I’m not THE solution. But I think that what I do helps, so that’s why I’m here.
So what’s the plan?
Good question. I don’t have a detailed road map for the coming three years.  But the direction is clear. To bring people together using beautiful moments.  Whether this is on the streets, during talks or in new formats.  The first step however is to listen. So I’m curious about your ideas. What do you think I should do in the states? And who wants to join?

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