Share your story

One of my goals when coming back to the United States is to create a big impact in a personal way to society.  Since I found out that collecting beautiful moments in the U.S. is not only fun, but it also changed me, I am more driven then before to share these beautiful stories that are all laying right in front of us in the streets and meet more and more people. Talking to strangers, collecting beautiful moments and sharing their stories of happiness makes me feel deeply grateful, powerful and active on the positive change I would like to see in this world.

I’m not the only one wanting that change and it would work better if we work together. So if you’re longing for a way to make a contribution to a positive world right now, I’d love to hear from you! I’m open for any ideas.

For the coming period of time I’m also specifically looking for people who like to share their beautiful moment, story or interaction with strangers at the Seize Your Moments Blog. If you like the idea to share happiness with a community of thousands of people throughout the world, don’t hesitate and leave a message.


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